Anything Fried Rice


Not only delicious, but a great way to clean out your fridge.

Use cauliflour rice for a healthier option. Beans for a vegan option. Or use noodles to make fried noodles (it's the same premise).


Literally anything, clean out old vegies, frozen spinich, corn, or those weird cans of stuff your in-laws always give you. Chop'em up, throw'em in, you're good to go.


To prevent complaints, this is one where I definitely have my kids help me pickout, cut-up the ingredients



  1. Add oil to a pan and fry some eggs,then take the out and put them off to the side for a minute.
  2. Pour yourself a glass of wine, beer or sake (depending on which cuisine you're going for).
  3. Fry the garlic and onions until desired crispiness and set aside.
  4. Fry the rice, trying to get it carmazlied and crispy and not boiled (thus the older, more frozen, crappier rice you've got the better as old rice is dry rice).
  5. Put the eggs, garlic and onions back in and mix till your hearts content.
  6. Pour on the soy sauce (not too much) right before serving or leave it on the table with a bottle of katchup for the kids to measure out and add themselves (increases ownership and saves you time).


I love this recipe because the sky is the limit. Go Mexican and make "taco rice", go Italian and add left over tomatoes and sausage. Add hamburgers, cheese and katchup for an "American" version. Anything is okay, just use your imagination and some common sense.

One suggestion: If you've got food that you know will be off soon, but that you don't wanna waste, why not throw it into a big ziplock bag, put it in the freezer and thaw it out as needed. Tastes great and a good way to prevent food waste.

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